$8.8M estimated construction value (Perth based)
The two public high schools in Geraldton underwent upgrades to enable both schools to cater for year 7 to 12. For the Champion Bay College, upgrades included a new material technology block, cafeteria and staff room, performing arts and music block. Refurbishments were also undertaken on the science block, visual arts, dance, media, administration and student services blocks.
Each block was provided with mechanical services in-line the Department of Education’s guidelines and current practise. The materials technology block included dust extraction systems, compressed air systems, welding bay exhaust systems, reticulated welding gas systems, spray painting booths, flammable liquids storage cabinets, exhaust to wet areas and evaporative cooling to workshops.
The Cafeteria and Staff room included cool and freezer rooms, commercial kitchen exhaust systems, exhaust to wet areas and air conditioning to the cafeteria, offices and common rooms.
The Performing Arts and Music block included air conditioning to the performance spaces, greens rooms and music classrooms with mechanical exhaust to the wet areas.
The Science labs included the upgrade to air conditioning to the classrooms and retro-fitting of fume cupboards and general exhaust systems to the chemistry lab.