Champion Bay College (formerly John Willcock College) Upgrades 2018
$8.8M estimated construction value (Perth based) The two public high schools in Geraldton underwent upgrades to enable both schools to cater for year 7 to 12. For the Champion Bay College, upgrades included a new material technology block, cafeteria and staff room, performing arts and music block. Refurbishments were also undertaken on the science block,… [Continue Reading]
Cape Naturaliste College, 2018
$20.0M estimated construction value Stage 2 of the Cape Naturaliste College includes a new design and technology block, a new arts, student services, health education and cafeteria block, a new science and information technology block and refurbishments to the existing arts block and the existing senior learning block. Each block is provided with mechanical services… [Continue Reading]
Main Roads WA, Materials Engineering Branch upgrades, 2018
$3.0M estimated construction value The Main Roads WA Materials Engineering Branch in the Perth eastern suburb of Welshpool is responsible for the monitoring and testing of soil, rock, concrete, paint and asphalt samples from main roads construction projects in the state. The 2018 upgrades included the alterations and additions to existing concrete and soils testing… [Continue Reading]
Wembley Golf Course Hospitality Redevelopment, 2016
Construction Value $4.0M This Town of Cambridge project was completed in late 2016 and involved the replacement of the hospitality facility on the Wembley Golf Course site. The new double storey facility includes three large function spaces, restaurant, bar, large commercial kitchen, bridal room, cool rooms, commercial tenancies, toilets and store rooms. Total floor area… [Continue Reading]
Pingelly Recreation and Cultural Centre
Construction Value $6.0M The Pingelly recreation and cultural centre consists of several distinct buildings. The function centre is an approximate 1,000m2 single storey building with a sports / bowls bar, function area, lounge, cultural hall, memorabilia hall, commercial kitchen, administration offices, toilets and support areas. The sports building is approximately 1,500m2 and contains an indoor… [Continue Reading]
Department of Parks and Wildlife, Woodlands Laboratory, 2016
$330,000.00 estimated construction value Although relatively small, the new botany laboratory at the Department of Parks and Wildlife Woodvale facility involved a high concentration of services and included fume cupboards, articulated bench mounted exhaust arms and a down draft sink. The laboratory space was fully air conditioned. New standalone and dedicated laboratory compressed air and… [Continue Reading]
Cecil Andrews SHS STEM Project, 2016
$2.8M estimated construction value The Cecil Andrews Senior High School Science Technology Engineering and Maths (STEM) project is a relatively new academic focus for the Department of Education in schools and it is strongly focused on cross curriculum integration of science, technology, engineering and maths. The new facility consists of a new single storey centre… [Continue Reading]
Doubleview Primary School, 2016
$10.4M estimated construction value The recently completed Doubleview Primary School project involved the construction of a new Department of Education standard pattern primary school in the Perth northern suburb of Doubleview. The site includes three “standard pattern” teaching blocks, library, undercover assembly block, administration block and a double storey classroom block. The double storey classroom… [Continue Reading]
Roebourne Children’s and Family Centre
This $4.2M facility was completed in December 2013 in the heart of Roebourne and includes a 375m2 child care centre and 200m2 family centre. All normally occupied areas were air conditioned using multiple split wall hung and ceiling cassette type units. A ducted outside air processing unit was provided in each building to deliver the… [Continue Reading]
Company Profile

DB Mechanical Consulting was started in September 2009 by sole company Director, Daniel Belotti. Daniel has been continuously involved in the mechanical services consulting … Read More >>
Mechanical Services

DB Mechanical Consulting is able to offer the full range of mechanical consulting services, including: Master planning Feasibility and life cycle cost analysis … Read More >>